Sunday, April 28, 2013

This is MY Blog ^^

Today's new item is the crystal peck statue, sold in Epic Wonders. 
A new post on the Daily Explorer about the photo booth... 
I've also uploaded a new video on Youtube, dedicated to the nicest* guy in AJ, Dogpelt. 
Now you may be wondering, 
"Who is Dogpelt?" 
"What is his username?"
"Why haven't you made a post about him/what he did?" 
Well, Dogpelt is a person who joined SkyClan and then did some horrible things. His username? What he did/about him? Imacutebunbunbunny actually made a post about that did include his username. (A while back, she went on his account-I figured out his password, then told Whatwhat550 & her-and said a bad word to get him suspended. This angered me so much I almost deleted her and sent a mail to AJHQ about why she should get banned and not him, and when you think about it, she deserved it for doing what she did.) 
I deleted it.
I want no one to know much about who he is. 
Once again, why? 
I know he'd enjoy himself too much if everyone knew who he is and blah-blah-blah. Besides, now-a-days it seems as if everyone's giving all the bad guys attention (look at the resent shootings in America...). I've only once said his username, and that was on Google+. Now, if you've seen the post, please keep quite about him. Hm, I seemed to get a little off topic, but I have two more things to say so keep reading. 

This is my blog. I can delete anything I want here. I can say anything I want here. I can do anything to my blog. 
If someone objects to what I'm doing, guess what? 
I don't care. (I love it, I love it!)
This may seem mean, but come on! This is MY blog, and if you don't like what I'm doing, leave or make your own blog. 
Hmm, oh great, I forgot what else I was going to write.... Oh, well! Haha ^^ 

~See you in Jamaa~


  1. Thanks. Now i know what you really feel about your best friend.

    1. This isn't directed at you. This is directed at whoever doesn't enjoy my blog or wants it to change. (That doesn't mean don't say that something doesn't work or don't give me recommendations.) I mean, maybe there's that one paragraph about what you did, but whatever. It doesn't matter, no one can read it anymore. Oh, well. Dude, stop trying to chat with me in AJ then run away. Just tell me to my face, okay? Thanks
      -Wolfs ._.'

  2. O.O Nicest guy in the clan...... Wow..... Looking at you from a WHOLE new perspective about Dogpelt- spelling user backwards- ebabyks- yes- I am in the clan- not saying who- then you'll hate me :\


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