Monday, April 29, 2013

Really, AJHQ?

Hey guys. Today's post is... Terrible. AJHQ has brought fox hats back. Some of you may be excited and happy and that's all good, but there's a bad side to this too. AJHQ is pretty much torturing its players... Um, just watch this video by Julian2 on Youtube. (I know I made a post about why he angered me a while back, but I've learned to live with the fact that some of my buddies are scammers, but they care about me and I have proof and blah-blah-blah this story can go on my Behind the Posts blog. Um, if you click it, it won't say a story there.)
Here's the item... 
(Sigh) I remember in the beta when they were always in store and they were only 150G (Gems)... Well, um, there's even a post on the Daily Explorer promising it is/will be rare. 
Oh, well... Bye.
~See you in Jamaa~


  1. I am happy there are back but they lost all value..... they shouldn't have brought the diamond shop but I think the fox hats are ok personally


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