Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Hi guys... 

I'm still here, just...

Not posting or updating or anything. 

At first, I was just being lazy... 

But then I started to think. 

Should I quit AJ...?

My math grades were seriously going down the drain and I didn't have any reason to play anymore. 

But I then realized why I wanted to quit.

It was this blog. 

It has been so very stressful posting early each and everyday. Plus, if I forget to post about a topic I wanted to cover but forgot I'd have to go back and edit the posts. 
I remember about a year ago, I made a post about it. And in the comments, someone suggested I'd post after I'd get home from school.

That doesn't really help. I'm still stressing over posting daily, and back then, I used to LIE to my mother just so I could get on the computer and blog. I don't wanna continue doing that. 

I'm not really quitting, I'm just not going to be posting daily, nor will I update new items.

Maybe one day I will continue updating daily one day, but that's gonna be a looooong time for now. This doesn't mean I'm going to quit posting on all the other blogs I'm an author of. 

Anyway that's all for now. :) 

 PS ~ I'm going to put up some new polls later today! Be sure to answer them when you get time!


  1. Wat? Why did you remove meh? I could of posted every day =_=
    ~Princess (AKA PINKYPUMA18)

    1. Well, a while back I added a little note at the bottom of my post saying if you (& another author) didn't post I would remove you from the blog.

      If you'd like, I could always add back again. :)

    2. Ok! Thanks if your going to quit I can alway post.

    3. NUUU! DON"T QUIT!!! If you quit I quit :|



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