Tuesday, April 23, 2013

SkyBabe & Whatwhat550

Hey guys... So, I'm going to skip right to the point. I was actually thinking about quitting the blog. Really, not a break. Why? Well, not the full time, just... today, yesterday, day before yesterday, the day before the day before yesterday. I was thinking a lot like, "No one reads my blog, no one REALLY cares. I just do this and waste my time..." and today... SkyBabe(click here to learn about him) did something... that made me feel... I dunno, but he hacked one of my best friend's account, Whatwhat550. We know because he was the one trading with the account, and the one interacting with her, he did dirty things on that account, and stole a lot of her items. I was there, watching the entire time, I was totally confused... And then, they went to Town Jamaaship and did something that no one wants to see in their favorite online computer game, let alone see your best friend do it with a guy you've known since you started the game. Then he said he had to go and logged out, so did Whatwhat550... (Whoa! Car Crash right out side my street, BRB! ... Okay, back.) This made me go like "WHAT THE WHATWHAT JUST HAPPENED???!!!" I was confused, and decided to ask Whatwhat550 what happened, luckily she was on Skype so I sent her a ton of IM's (Instant Messages) her.
(Me) Dude! What the heck just happened?! I didn't know you and SkyBabe were together.... I didn't know you'd do something like... THAT!
 (Me. She didn't reply for a while.) Hello!!?!? DUDE?!
 (Her) Hi WHAT?!?!?!
 (Me) O_O IT WAS SO WEIRD   ??!!? Ya, you are
 (Her) I was never his mate!!!!!! (As in Clanwise)
 (Me) He asked you "Wanna be mat-?" 
(Her) And what the heck?!!?!?!?!
(Me) you said "sure"
 (Her) ?????????????  I never saw him and he never that to me  Plus i was never on
 (Me) Yea you wer
(Me) U were trading him a lot O_O?  brb ishow

I then sent her the pictures I'd taken and she was shocked. We figured out SkyBabe had hacked her. Not only that, he'd hacked my personal email. As soon as we found out, we changed our passwords. Later on, I went on AJ. He came on and went to Whatwhat550's den, while I was already there... He said "p-...clan" and "Try it >:)" and left. I figured out he meant password. A while back he'd also told me he'd changed his password to something we were both very involved in. I went to the Animal Jam log in page and typed his username in the first slot then what I guessed was his password. It actually worked, but when I checked his items there was nothing. I told Whatwhat, she was so upset... Then, it logged me out of his account and he actually came on, we stayed in his den why we suffered what he said, we both knew there was nothing we could do to get Whatwhat's items back, he said he recycled them, and if he didn't they weren't in his account. Well, in the end... Whatwhat550 decided she might quite. Here's some messages from iMessage.
I was talking about what it felt like, being rare.

Sorry for no captions, it's just... There's a lot to type, so please click to enlarge. Well, anyway, she might quit and that's that... It made me think about quitting too. The funny thing is, so many Jammers say things like buddies are better than rares, but they don't believe in their words. (They might not even realize it.) That's why I recycled my spiked collar, it was getting to my head and I didn't want it. The only reason I decided to come back is because of one person. This blog now has one follower! 
Why is this so great? Because it's great to know someone's enjoying my blog enough to follow it. And I  couldn't care less if your blog had 5,000 followers. Because I just need one. ;) 


 Note**  I will not be listing all the items/DE posts I missed

Today's new item is quite neat, and seems more... Original-AJ-Like. Can I say that? Does it make sense? Oh, well, I mean how it encourages recycling and it's not so techy like. Give it up for the recycling can!
The latest EDOW (Epic Den of the Week) has been added to the Daily Explorer.
 Hm, that's it for today Jammers!
~See you in Jamaa~

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh >.< Thats so sad! Why do the evil cats in the clan get all the she-cats??? Like Fireheart, you, and Misttail (right??)


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