Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Snowyclaw On-Offline Glitch

Hey Jammers! Today we have the returning porthole, available in Sunken Treasures.
Some more clawsome-we're going to start using this word now-art on the Daily Explorer.
Remember the weird glitch with Snowyclaw yesterday? I made a video on it and sent it to Snowyclaw.

As it turns out, other Jammers have reported the same thing! 
And lastly this was on her blog.
It's really peculiar. That's all for today Jammers.
~See you in Jamaa~


  1. thank you for budding me!

  2. Hmm, maybe.. well :/ it's a glitch? Maybe AJHQ went on to see something? These are both of my answers. I think it's some type of glitch.. O-O

  3. I think it was some hacker probley?


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