Saturday, December 29, 2012

Party and items! (Post #2)

Hey guys! :) today's new item is a returning 'rare' from last winter.
You can buy this cool item in Jamaa Mart Furniture.
You probably already noticed the New Year Party (2013), but if you didn't know, it's probably located in a northern area (I'm guessing this because you can see the northern lights at the party). 
Sorry for the waste of space.. I'm still trying to figure this out! 
Also, there are some items from an old Halloween party, and some cool music from this year. 
The rest you'll have to see for yourself! Wouldn't want to be a killjoy and ruin the surprise! :) There is also a new post on the Daily Explorer about the Jamaalidays coming to an end, time passes quickly, huh? :I 
That's all for now.. Oh, I'm going to be doing a 'random picture' for each month from now on. This month's picture is a funny username.

Mk, bye now! :) Happy Jamming.


  1. post ur pic of animal jam!!! and more ppl should comment this is a good blog.


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