Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I still need authors!

Hi Jammers! Today, I have no idea what the new item is, for I'm never on when the Lucky Day Party is happening. :(
The latest Epic Den is updated on the Daily Explorer, read it today! Er, I mean... Visit it today...? Heh, heh, heh...
 AJHQ has also been sending out this message:
Remember: I'm still looking for authors!
~See you in Jamaa~


  1. I would love to be an author! I know you don't know me, and I pretty much don't know you. But I am a member of the animal jam google+ community and I love authoring blogs! I am pretty busy during the week so I might not be able to post every day but at least one or 2 times a week. Tell me how I become an author and describe your blog to be so I know what to post!
    -Adbout (that's my username on aj)

  2. I was also wondering if you could teach me how to get the fish on the blog XD

  3. I had a google account but I put my age in an theyve deleted it I would help if I could!


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