Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Adventures are FINALLY Here!

Hey Jammers! Wolfs here, with the most awesome update ever, but before we get to that, let's start off with the new item-the returning bird feeder, sold in Jam Mart Furniture like before. 
Two more posts on the Daily Explorer, one about yesterday's new item and one about buddies. 

Now for the fun part! AJHQ has finally announced the adventures! There was a new Jamaa Journal to go with this, it included news about members beta testing the adventures, the adventures, kangaroos, and lastly the something about the DE
AJHQ also made a video/ad. for the adventures, you can watch it by clicking on it at the bottom right corner in the Jamaa Journal-or by clicking here
It was nicely animated and had a nice story... It said a spell unleashed the phantoms, in the Return of the Alphas video they said the cause of the phantoms was unknown. Hmm... Well, here are some pictures from the video. 

To access the adventures, you have to open the party tab and-voila! A quick way escape to the adventures in right in front of you!
I also noticed if you put a backpack on a giraffe, instead of the bag on the giraffe's back, it ends up on the giraffe's neck!
Oh! While I was in Jamaa Township, I saw this:
Epic huh? It's sad how no one else joined in... :(
And lastly, I'm going change the "Activities" page to a "Past 'n Present" page some time, I'll put up the full Jamaa Journal there. :)

*I will make a video of the new adventures sometime later*

P.S. - Has anyone else noticed how long AJ has been offline?


  1. Wow I am soo excited!! I cant wait to go into the Adventure Beta! Your blog is awesome!!
    Add me on animal jam. My user is:

  2. AJHQ took my advice! I asked for a kangaroo! Add me, I am madie05641


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